How do we know what we sold will work correctly?

Getting the order from sales.
Preparing and configuring the devices and accessories.
Assign it to the appropriate Technician to do the installation.
Reporting and recording the installation details for future support issues.

Symptoms of a Telematics Company NOT USING a Telematics specific ERP

Most communication is done via email, spreadsheets, WhatsApp, paper notes, etc…

Building good reports for analysis is time-consuming and rarely done.

Uncertainty about device warranty status.

Inventory control is difficult and time-consuming.

Tracking which SIM card is in what device is done manually.

Uncertainty about SIM card leakage (SIM cards that are active but not sure if it should be).

Operating your company requires people who have memorized the “way you do it”.

Provisioning devices are used following manual checklists.

A Telematics Specific ERP is essential for your Operation

Core Problems

  • There are hundreds of combinations of how Devices and Sensors can be used to solve your customers’ problems.
  • Each combination needs to be verified by the engineering team.  Each combination needs to be understood by your salespeople and easily ordered without having to ask product experts.

Operational Problems

  • Managing Device warranties
  • Monitoring and stopping inventory leakage and SIM card leakage.
  • Easy management reports to help you keep your finger on the pulse of your company.
  • Your installers are managed through a Work Order automated system.

Benefits in addition to managing your Telematics Operation